So here is the current status if the three projects:
South St Bridge - Sidewalks complete, street surfacing taking place.
Lombard and South Bike Lanes - Streets Department has traced the bike lane lines with spray paint on Lombard and South from 21st to 27th St.
Spruce and Pine Street resurfacing - As of 10 AM the paving crew was located on Spruce St at the 7th St intersection and moving west. On Friday Spruce from Dock St to 7th St was paved.

Thank you so much for the update. It's actually really hard to know when to ride alternate routes without physically checking the streets.
YAY November 6th!!!!!!!!
Hi, loving the freshly paved Spruce/Pine lanes. I am wondering about the usefulness of the Lombard/South lanes. Won't this dilute bike volume from Spruce/Pine. It seems like bike volume would demonstrate the useful ness of the lanes to the Byko-haters.
Just wondering if it would have been better to have the additional lanes a couple of blocks further south.
Hi I love the freshly paved lanes of Spruce/Pine. Finally!
Just wondering the wisdom of the Lombard/South St. lanes at this point. Wouldn't this dillute bike volume off Spruce/Pine? It seems like at least initially, bike volume would help demonstrate the usefullness and popularity of the bike lanes to the skeptics and Byko-type haters.
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