Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Sign Our Petition To Improve Bike Parking at 30th Street Station

We've written before about the bike parking problem at 30th Street Station. The station, managed by Amtrak, is woefully and embarrassingly unaccommodating to travelers arriving by bicycle.

Amtrak needs to hear from station users that bike parking is important and Amtrak needs to provide more, and better, bike parking.

Please sign our petition which states:

30th Street Station must be better equipped and managed to accommodate passengers who want to combine biking with their train or rail trip. 30th Street Station should be able to accommodate all users of its facility and needs ample, safe and high quality bicycle parking to better meet demand. The current condition is unbefitting of your third busiest rail station. Please address this situation as soon as possible by:
  1. Adding more high quality bike racks that meet City specifications to both sides of the station;
  2. Enforcing the City's sidewalk and bike parking regulations;
  3. Promptly removing abandoned bicycles. 
We visited 30th Street Station this Tuesday at 3 pm. We counted 78 bikes on the station's east side, and spaces for 38. Some of those spaces were lost to scooters and abandoned bicycles:
Three bikes per rack, because motorcycles and abandoned bikes (on left) are taking up valuable space
The station is under construction, but we want detailed assurances of how Amtrak will improve the bike parking situation, and that they will maintain that parking so that commuters are not forced to lock to anything vertical, like temporary wooden parking signs:
Or whatever these metal bars were supposed to be for: