New Jersey Bike and Walk Coalition in partnership with the
Voorhees Transportation Center will be hosting the 4th Annual
New Jersey Bike Walk Summit on Saturday February 23rd at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Rutgers University in New Brunswick. This year there will be 20 panel sessions to choose from, including one that will discuss
The Circuit and how it can affect trail development and bike mobility in New Jersey.

The NJBWC headed up by Executive Director Cyndi Steiner is diving headfirst into state bicycle and pedestrian issues. They have partnered with us as well as the
Tri State Transportation Campaign,
NJ Future,
the Safe Routes to School Partnership and other local advocacy groups on numerous issues. Most notably they have been working with
NJDOT and the State's three Metropolitan Planning Organizations on policy changes under MAP-21 and with New Jersey Transit to improve its
bike on rail policies. NJBWC's statewide advocacy strengthens our local advocacy efforts in the Garden State.
Registration fee for the Summit is $50 online, $65 at the door. For more information on the NJ Bike and Walk Summit go
here. The Bloustein School is just a 10 minute walk from the NJ TRANSIT New Brunswick Station at the corner of Livingston Ave and New St.
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