Monday, August 06, 2012

Job Opening - NJ Regional Safe Routes To School Coordinator

The Greater Mercer TMA based in Princeton Junction, NJ is looking for a full-time Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Coordinator.  Through outreach and education, the coordinator will work to encourage more students to safely walk and bike to school.

The successful candidate will coordinate and implement activities for the SRTS program in Mercer and Ocean Counties.

These responsibilities will include:
  • Attend all meetings and trainings as required by the grant
  • Provide outreach to schools to bring them into the SRTS program
  • Develop educational presentations and provide hands on assistance with educational events and preparing travel plans
  • Effectively deliver training to various local groups
  • Lead on-bike bicycle education efforts and possess knowledge of safe bicycling skills
  • Maintain SRTS information and prepare SRTS reporting for grant
  • Serve as main SRTS contact
  • Bachelor’s degree in a related field
  • Excellent verbal and written skills
  • Comfortable with public presentations
  • Ability to work independently
  • Comfortable working directly with school age children and school administrators
  • LCI certification or willingness to become certified
  • Ability to drive to various locations in Mercer and Ocean Counties
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office
Please submit resumes to