Interested in getting involved in regional transportation and planning issues? Is the Task Force section of your resume a little underwhelming? Well, The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) is looking for new members for its Public Participation Task Force. You can apply online (deadline is March 1st). Below is information from DVRPC on what this is all about:
The Task Force is a group comprised of representatives selected from the general public, community and civic organizations, advocacy groups, professional associations, and the private sector. Twelve members of the Task Force will be chosen through an application/interview process. Applicants must reside within DVRPC's nine-county planning area. An interest in planning, as well as knowledge of regional issues, civic engagement, diversity of experience, and effective communication skills are also beneficial for membership. The Task Force's membership will be supplemented with 12 additional delegates, as appointed by the DVRPC Board, to guarantee geographic diversity.
The Task Force will give you the chance to:
- inform DVRPC's Board and staff of local issues and challenges;
- participate in public service in a meaningful way;
- address specific policy issues of concern to DVRPC;
- recommend potential projects to the Commission;
- offer recommendations regarding public engagement;
- share DVRPC information with your community and county; and
Any questions related to the Public Participation Task Force should be directed to Jane M. Meconi, AICP, Public Involvement Manager, at 215-238-2871 or jmeconi@dvrpc.org. Application available online here.
- network with a dynamic group of regional leaders and citizens.
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