Friday, May 27, 2011

Pre-Bike Race Trail Walk on the Cynwyd & Pencoyd Trails

Ready to see another side of Manayunk and its neighbor Lower Merion that is not featured in the TD Bank Philadelphia International Cycling Championship?

Several segments of multi-use trail that will link Lower Merion to Philadelphia and make paved connections to the Schuylkill River Trail are under construction or in the process of being planned and designed.  The Complete the Trail Coalition is hosting a trail walk on Saturday, June 4th to walk and view some of these segments.  The walk will begin in Manayunk, cross the Schuylkill River to Lower Merion via the Green Lane Bridge and walk part of the Cynwyd Trail that is under construction.  It will continue back down to the riverfront to the Pencoyd Ironworks site that is now owned by O'Neill Properties and end back in Manayunk after crossing the Pencoyd Bridge, which will be opened by O'Neill for this walk only.

The guided, family friendly walk will begin at 1pm on Saturday, June 4th and probably last 2-3 hours.  Register today for this free event.

Note: This walk's course changed from an original announcement made on May 25th. The walk will not cross the Manayunk Bridge, but will provide unique views of it from Lower Merion.