Wednesday, February 02, 2011

SEPTA's Sustainability Plan Supports Bike Sharing

Last week the SEPTA Board approved the Transit Authorities first Sustainability Plan, "SEPTAinable The Route to Regional Sustainability " In the Social Element of the plan, is the goal to make more livable communities. SEPTA wants to achieve this with the community building targets of these initiatives:
  • Integrate with bike-sharing programs,
  • Increase bike-and-ride visibility and
  • Support the City of Philadelphia and county bicycle goals.
The Bicycle Coalition and Bike Share Philadelphia congratulate SEPTA for its understanding that bicycles are an integral part of our region's transportation system. Bike-sharing is a solution for fixed route transit systems to complete the "first and last mile" of its traveler's trips. We look forward to SEPTAinable implementation.

Bike on Bus