Wednesday, February 02, 2011

National Bike Summit Early Bird Registration Closes Tomorrow

The annual National Bike Summit sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists will be held this year in Washington DC from March 8-11.  It's a great opportunity to network, learn about advocacy efforts around the country at the state and local level and get updated on the ongoing efforts to make federal policy and investments that will improve physical activity, safety and livability in the U.S. 

The League secured a wicked line of up of star speakers: U.S. Secretary Ray LaHood, former Congressman Jim Oberstar, Representative Earl Blumenaur and NYC DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan. 

The early bird rate closes tomorrow (February 3rd), so register now to get the discounted rate!

Even if you can't come to the Tue/Wed portion of the Summit, it costs a mere bus ticket and lunch to join us for Lobby Day on Thursday, March 10th.  Let us know if you would like to come to DC on Thursday and join us for a round of visits to congressional offices.