Plans for the project have been accelerated because PENNDOT plans to rebuild the adjacent Route 422 bridge over the Schuylkill River and needs to remove the boardwalk.
Phase one of the project makes modifications to the Trooper Road Overpass above the Schuylkill River Trail. This would require a detour around the bridge by improving an informal trail that leads to the existing boardwalk entrance.

Open House attendees look over the trail drawings, including PENNDOT District 6 Executive Director Lester Toaso (far right).
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Perhaps the most difficult challenge will be the design of the intersection with Trooper Rd and the Riverview Landing Development. Up to 4000 vehicles a day pass through here during the week. We propose adding traffic calming measures such as a roundabout or raised crosswalks to reduce the conflict danger with turning vehicles.
Additionally we asked that the consultant look into barricaded pedestrian path at the Riverview Landing entrance from a 5 foot wide corridor to at least an 8 foot wide entrance to accommodate bicycle traffic.

Perhaps the most difficult challenge will be the design of the intersection with Trooper Rd and the Riverview Landing Development. Up to 4000 vehicles a day pass through here during the week. We propose adding traffic calming measures such as a roundabout or raised crosswalks to reduce the conflict danger with turning vehicles.
Additionally we asked that the consultant look into barricaded pedestrian path at the Riverview Landing entrance from a 5 foot wide corridor to at least an 8 foot wide entrance to accommodate bicycle traffic.

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