From the NJ Bike Map Project Site and mailing:
Our target is to have the map ready for the public in the summer of 2011.The New Jersey Bicycle Map is funded through the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and is managed by The RBA Group. The purpose of the project is to provide a map of the preferred bicycling routes for the entire state. This project invites public input.
To make sure they hear the needs of cyclists from around the state NJDOT is hosting 3 meeting around the state.
North Jersey
Wednesday, December 1
10:00am to 12:00 noon
Frelinghuysen Arboretum
55 East Hanover Ave
Morristown, NJ
Central Jersey
Tuesday, December 7
9:30am to 11:30am
NJDOT Headquarters
1035 Parkway Ave
Trenton, NJ
South Jersey
Wednesday, December 8
10:00am to 12:00 noon
The George Luciano Family Center
Cumberland County College
Vineland, NJ
Prior to the meeting, all are encouraged to review the draft map on the interactive website, ( You must register first and answer a few questions but then you can download PDFs of the latest drafts. If your town, county or other organization has data that might help in the correct or complete the map, you are also encouraged to upload it to that sight. Once you register on the site you will receive e-mail notices each time a new map is posted.
Please RSVP to Elizabeth Cox, The RBA Group at 973-946-5736 or a week before the meeting. Attendees will be sent an agenda and directions. If you are unable to attend, participation is encouraged through the website.
At the end of the maps development a PDF of the final map will be posted on a web site. Printing of the maps will be sponsored by organizations interested in supporting cyclists. If your organization would like to help sponsor printing, please contact the NJDOT project manager.
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