The counters are very similar to the standard pneumatic tube counters that transportation departments have been using for decades. The main difference is that these smarter counters can differentiate between a motor vehicle and a bicycle.
DVRPC is currently calibrating the devices and testing them on Spruce and Pine Streets. In October the Center City Cordon Count program will kick off. The counters will be rotated to 57 entry points into center city for a 5 day period (to adjust for weather).
The devices are booked through mid November and DVRPC plans to buy more counters which retail for about $1000 a piece. Pedestrian counters which detect heat and movement and placed 3 feet above the ground have also been purchased.
Official bike and pedestrian traffic counts will then be accessible through the DVRPC Traffic Count Web Mapping Application. For more information about the traffic counting program contact Scott Brady
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