Friday, July 03, 2009

Philadelphia Applies For Bike Parking Station Funding

The July Edition of Philadelphia's Greenworks Newsletter lists a Bike Parking Station as one of the proposed recipients of Philadelphia's $14 Million Dollar allocation of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Block Grants.

Other Projects Proposed Include:
  • Install LED Traffic Lights
  • Create a loan fund for energy efficient tenant improvements at commercial buildings
  • Retrofit municipal buildings
  • Incentivize recycling
  • Create a bike parking station
  • Train L&I employees on green building
  • Investigating a Sustainable Energy Authority
  • Implement and evaluate Greenworks Philadelphia

We don't have any details on the bike parking project. One question that we have is whether or not the bike station proposal is a full service facility (similar to the Union Station project in Washington DC) or an in-street bike parking corral.