Chainring Bike Rack in Palmer Park
If you are interested in making an artrack for them for a reduced rate (they are non-profit) please contact Beth Miller at 215.587.9290.
Of course there is more to a bike rack than simply looking cool, the critical issue is that the rack element supports the bike in two places and allows the bicycle to be securely locked. Before laying out the design of your rack read the APBP Bicycle Parking Guidelines.
Wow, this looks amazing. I would love to go to Philly to see this, in fact one of my friends may be moving there soon.
Be careful what you wish for. NYC is rapping up their design competition for a unique bicycle rack design for the city and from what I could see, their ten finalist are so bad they need to throw them all out and start over
(see http://tinyurl.com/6yzb33).
There are some really cool commercially available designs out there that are stylish, obviously bike racks and offer high security. I saw one that was a modified inverted "U" design that was really cool looking and appeared to offer even better security than a traditional inverted "U" (something that I never thought was possible). I only wish I could find the link for it!
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