Saturday, April 26, 2008

As The South St Bridge Crumbles Bike Traffic Builds

The Bicycle Coalition did rush hour counts of cars bikes and pedestrians on the South Street Bridge on Wednesday and found that Bicycle's accounted to more than 7% of the peak hour traffic. Pedestrians counted for just under 13% of the traffic adding non motorized traffic to a respectable 20% of all bridge traffic. If you extrapolate that percentage with DVRPC's Average Daily Traffic counts you yield more than 1300 bicycles per day.

The Bridge will most likely close this fall, the Streets Department is currently mulling over the recommendations from the charrette, and nothing looks really certain right now other than that we expect the unpopular towers to be eliminated.


Yokota Fritz said...

7% is amazing. How does that compare with census data on transportation modal shares for Philadelphia?