Monday, March 24, 2014

Tell Us About Potholes In Bike Lanes (There May Be More Than One)

If seen, do not attempt to ride over it. Take alternate line and contact us immediately. May answer to "Hendrick."

Be alert, bicyclists! This emphatic winter caused a lot of damage to our roads, and rumors are flying about opportunistic "potholes" hanging out in bike lanes and attempting to pop tires or just give bicyclists a jarring bump. We have posted above a Streets Department Police sketch artist's composite of what one might look like (side note: the Streets Dept. has some really talented visual artists on staff. Maybe consider a graphic novel?).

The Streets Department has asked us to help gather the locations of these wanted potholes. So should you encounter a pothole in a Philadelphia bike lane, do not engage but please let us know about it in one of the following ways:

  1. E-mail to bike(at), with subject line: POTHOLE
  2. Tweet at us (@bcgp) and use the hashtag #POTHOLE
  3. Post a message on our Facebook page.
Information to include in your report

  1. The number block of the pothole (example: "1200 block of Pine Street")
  2. A photo of the pothole (not necessary but helpful)
Also, while you're at it, you should follow us on Twitter and Facebook. That's a good place to ask us questions, learn about breaking or cool bike information, and meet other engaged bicyclists in the area. And potholes can't follow you online (yet).