Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Have Your Say on the Future of Camden County

Camden County is updating their Master Plan to guide development in the county through the year 2040. As part of the public participation process to develop the plan, the county has opened up an online survey for residents.
We  think this logo would lend itself to a nice series of wooden coasters 
The survey asks several questions that seeks opinions about bicycling, walking, placemaking and public transportation in the county. Not only will the survey help Camden County set a course for improvements in the future, but high scores supporting bicycling and walking can help steer public policy decisions today.

If you think that looking 25 years into the future is a long time, consider that current master plan dates back to 1972. Back then, the Bicycle Coalition was just a meeting in a bar at 30th Street Station. Back then, a "complete street" meant the road paving was done. Back then, climate change meant moving to Florida. Most importantly it was the year that public transportation hit its all-time low for ridership and just before the 1973 Oil Crisis.

Question 8, about "big idea" plans, intrigues us the most. If you're not familiar with previous plans and looking for a recommendation, we think that the following would be most beneficial to the county from a transportation perspective:
  • Promote mixed-use development within walking distance of train stations 
  • Create a County-wide bicycle & pedestrian trail system 
  • Improve major County roadways (Route 70, 38, etc.) to make these roads more pedestrian/bike/or transit-friendly
So if you live in Camden County, spend a couple minutes on the survey and participate in the future development of your county!