Monday, May 07, 2012

Transcript of Alex Doty's Testimony at City Council Budget Hearing Today

Earlier today, our executive director Alex Doty presented this testimony at the public session of the 2013 Budget hearings before Philadelphia's City Council. Alex's main message was that bike lanes are an extremely low-cost way to save lives by making our streets safer. But insufficient funding for the Streets Department risks the city losing the best, cheapest opportunities to make road safety changes. Alex urged Council to provide more funding for additional traffic engineers to prepare striping plans for bike lanes and other traffic calming pavement markings.

While we were there, we learned that the Bike Lane Ordinance bill will most likely not come up for a hearing until late May, if it gets referred to the Streets Committee (as it did last year). The bill introduced last Thursday is not online yet, but it is nearly identical to last year's bill.

See the testimony below:

Testimony of the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia on Philadelphia's 2013 Budget