Friday, March 30, 2012

Want To Help Us With Street Outreach And Events? Attend Wednesday's Training Session

Have you heard? Volunteering is the new Found Your Own Dot Com. Which itself was the new Be A Roadie For A Jam Band. Which in turn was the new Start In The Mail Room And Work Your Way Up. Which supplanted the Start Your Own Railroad. Which (we're told) was the new Marry Into Royalty And Get Yourself Some Serfs.

Anyhow, the point is that volunteering is a great way to build skills, meet new people, and make your community better. We'll be at some exciting events this summer (ex. the Kensington Sculpture Derby) and we're looking for volunteers to help us man tables and conduct street outreach.

You don't need a skeletal system to love bicycling
This Wednesday, we are holding an outreach training session for new and existing volunteers. If you'd like to volunteer at one of our events this summer, attend this training!

We will cover what's involved in helping the Bicycle Coalition with outreach events, and you'll have a chance to sign up for upcoming events.

Date: Wednesday, April 4th
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
1500 Walnut Street
Suite 305
Philadelphia, PA 19102
RSVP or questions: (215-399-1598 x707)