Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Think Bike Lanes Are Good For Philly Businesses? Mayor Nutter Wants To Know!

The City is currently running a video contest for Philadelphia business owners. The question posed is, "Why is Philadelphia a Smart City or a Smart Choice for your business?"

The contest asks interested Philadelphia business owners to make a 30-second video answering that question. Post it to Youtube and enter the contest online. Some (all?) of the videos end up on the contest website, and the winner will receive special recognition and a visit from Mayor Nutter. The contest runs through September 22nd.

Are you a bike-friendly business owner? Make a video and help the cause!

We feel that the more bicycle-friendly Philadelphia becomes, the Smartier and Choicier it becomes:
  • Making it easier to bike to work, to school, to the store or to the park improves our quality of life and makes Philadelphia a more attractive city.
  • For businesses, improved bicycling infrastructure can be a lure bringing talent to the city (or keeping it here).
  • Active employees are healthier employees.
  • For many businesses, bicyclists are not only customers but more frequent customers. Bicyclists don't pay for parking, can park in a wider variety of locations, and are more likely to incidentally stop at a business along their route than car drivers.
So we're putting out a two-pronged call:
  • Are you a business owner who values the bike lane outside your business, or the bike parking which allows your employees (or yourself) to bike to work? Make a video!
  • Would you like to help us (the Bicycle Coalition) make a video of our own? We could use a hand with filming and video editing. Send an e-mail to if you are interested.