The State Transportation Commission is made up of legislators and Pennsylvania residents appointed by Governor Corbett.
The Commission sets policy direction with respect to the development of the Commonwealth’s Twelve Year Transportation Program. The Twelve Year Transportation Program is biennially adopted by the Commission as the blueprint for improving Pennsylvania’s transportation system. This program is then submitted to the Governor, the General Assembly and the Secretary of Transportation. Decisions regarding how available transportation funds are to be used for a variety of proposed rail, roadway, bridge, transit, pedalcycle (motorcycle and bicycle), pedestrian, and airport improvement projects are made through the transportation planning and programming process.
This is an important opportunity to praise PennDOT for what it is doing right and propose how it can improve some of its policies to facilitate better bicycle/pedestrian projects. You can testify on the state's transportation policies, how transportation funding is allocated, or about any particular transportation project(s). Anyone is welcome to testify at the September 16th hearing. Here is a "guidance" document on the State's Twelve Year Program.
If you are interested in testifying at Friday's hearing, you must fill out an "abstract form" and email it to RA-PennDOTSTC@state.pa.us by September 9th. Unfortunately, there is no directly web link to PennDOT's "abstract form."
So, please follow PennDOT's instructions on how finding the "abstract form" to fill out in order to testify.
All individuals wishing to submit an abstract electronically can do so by accessing the Department’s website at http://www.dot.state.pa.us. Click on the “Public Participation 2013 Program Update” button on the lower-right hand side on the screen. When the next webpage opens, select the “2013 Transportation Project Abstract Form Electronic Submission” link (on the left) to access the guidelines and electronic form.
You can also submit written testimony by September 30th by emailing it to: RA-PennDOTSTC@state.pa.us or mailing it to: Mr. Nolan Ritchie, Executive Secretary State Transportation Commission PO Box 3633 Harrisburg, PA 17105-3633The Bicycle Coalition will testify at this hearing on state funding for bicycle/pedestrian projects for Philadelphia and the surrounding suburban counties.
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