Here's a photo of the awesome bike corral (or cycle stall) loaned to the Bicycle Coalition and City of Philadelphia by Dero Bike Rack Co. that the Streets Department installed yesterday for today's Park(ing) Day. It will be up for 6 weeks as a demonstration. Located at Sydenham and Walnut, come check it out! Fill up this bike corral and keep the bikes off trees on Walnut Street! There's also 6 beautiful ganged U racks in front of U of Arts on S. Broad Street loaned by Saris Racks. More to come later this morning.
If you like this kind of high quality, innovative bike parking and want more, or know of a business who might want to get one installed in front of their location, send a message to the Mayor's Office of Transportation at aaron.ritz@phila.gov
More info here
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