Monday, April 18, 2011

Philadelphia Cycling Committee Meeting Tomorrow

The regular monthly Philadelphia City Committee – BCGP meets at The Bicycle Coalition Office, 1500 Walnut Street, Suite 305, Tomorrow, April 19, 2011 at 6:30 PM (6:00 PM refreshments)

Tentative Agenda:

1.6:00 Pizza –Refreshments
2.6:30 Introductions
3.6:35 Update - Ridge Avenue Detour Update
4.6:40 Bike Share Update - Russell Meddin
5.6:45 Bike Month Activities - Including Bike to Work Day, Commuter Challenge, Ride of Silence
6.7:15 Open Forum - Addressing neighborhood bicycle issues8.7:25 Old/New Business
7.7:30 Adjourn

There will be no May meeting, make sure you participate in Bike to Work Month