Sunday, March 13, 2011

Philadelphia City Cycling Committee Meeting on Tuesday

The Philadelphia City Cycling Committee will be meeting on Tuesday March 15th at the Bicycle Coalition Education Office, 1500 Walnut Street Suite 305 at 6:30 PM.

Guests: Alan Urek and Debby Schaaf of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission to speak about bicycling in "Philadelphia 2035" the new 25 year plan for the City. The plan is currently in draft form. This could be a good opportunity to have more input into this guide for the
City's future

Tentative Agenda:

  1. 6:00 Pizza –Refreshments
  2. 6:30 Introductions
  3. 6:35 Presentation and Discussion: Philadelphia 2035
  4. 7:10 Discussion - Ridge Avenue Detour Feedback/conditions
  5. 7:20 NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide Intro
  6. 7:30 Bike Coalition Update for Philadelphia
  7. 7:35 Open Forum - Addressing neighborhood bicycle issues
  8. 7:45 Old/New Business
  9. 8:00 Adjourn

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Fritz said...

I hope you'll post minutes for those of us who cannot make it.