Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bike Programs Dodge House Cuts But Threats Still Loom Ahead

Of the nearly 600 amendments proposed to the 2011 House Budget bill (HR1), biking and walking programs, such as Transportation Enhancements and Safe Routes to School, were not singled out to be cut. It's still possible that in a few weeks, we may face amendments in the Senate that attack biking and walking programs. So stay tuned to this blog for upcoming alerts.

However, other programs that affect trails, transit and public health support for active transportation have been targeted for reduction or zeroed out of the House's budget. You can take action on these items. See below:

  • The Land and Water Conservation Fund Coalition — of which IMBA is a member — is circulating an alert about Amendment 361. Offered by Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM), the amendment would kill the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which provides public access to public lands, including trails. Ask your Representative to vote NO on Amendment 361. More information on this alert.
  • Transportation for America (T4) is concerned about massive cuts to transit and rail. Click here for their alert.
Meanwhile, on the home front, on Thursday, February 17th,  PA 7th District Congressional Rep. Pat Meehan is co-hosting a Transportation Listening Session in King of Prussia with other members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee including Committee Chair: John Micah (Fl), Bill Shuster (PA), Pat Meehan (PA), John Duncan (TN), Pat Gerlach (PA), Rick Crawford (AR).

Invited speakers include individuals representing: Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Delaware County Transportation Management Agency, Greater Valley Forge TMA, an engineer from construction firm, Transportation Safety Coalition, someone from P3s (Public, Private Partnerships), State Senator John Raferty, Kevin Johnson from Traffic Plan Design, and the Keystone Transportation Funding Coalition.

The public is invited to attend, but it is unlikely that there will be an opportunity to speak.  RSVP is required as seating is limited.  

Federal Transportation Listening Session Details

What:    U.S. House of Representatives' Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Listening Session  
When: 7:15pm
RSVP: Anyone seeking to attend the session are asked to contact Keenan Lynch
202-225-2011 or at Keenan.Lynch@Mail.House.Gov