Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Video Camera Can be a Great Gift for the Concerned Cyclist

Not everyone wants to share the road and a video camera is an excellent tool when you are being harassed by an aggressive driver. Even if your footage doesn't help catch the perps, documenting these incidents on video can be used to make the case to law enforcement, elected officials and the general public.

Of course cameras don't discriminate and video can show bicyclists doing the wrong thing. Such as this salmon cyclists who hit a pedestrian on JFK Boulevard or the recent bike lane blocked cyclist who recorded 61 cars parked in the bike lanes. But a lot of the discussion focused on the two red lights that the cyclist/videographer jumped on Pine Street.

Some other videos in our archive:

An HD Camera's of course will give you a better picture although a standard def camera works fine if the purpose is simply to scan the street for trouble.

A camera mounted to your helmet is less prone to vibration and it sees what you see, such as someone yelling at you. The downside is that everyone knows you have a camera and there is the risk of the camera to catching on to something which could jerk your neck in a crash.

Handlebar mounted cameras are more prone to vibration and are relatively static. The video camera is also less obvious as some models could be mistaken for a handlebar mounted light.

Comparison of bike cameras on Google Products