Monday, October 18, 2010

Cities for Cycling: Riding the Innovation Lane

The Mayor's Office of Transportation is hosting several bicycle transportation officials from other cities on October 28th-29th to get their insight on how to make Philadelphia more bike-friendly.  These officials are from cities that belong to Cities for Cycling, a project of the National Association of City Transportation Officials to catalog, promote and implement the world’s best bicycle transportation practices in American municipalities.  As part of their visit, the visitors will be at the Academy of Natural Sciences on a panel to share their knowledge about some of the best innovations from across the country and examine ways to bring these cycling innovations to Philadelphia.
When: October 28, 2010, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Rina Cutler: Deputy Mayor, Transportation and Utilities, City of Philadelphia;
Eric Gilliland: Executive Director, National Association of City Transportation Officials;
Jon Orcutt: Director of Policy, New York City Department of Transportation;
Robert Burchfield: City Traffic Engineer, City of Portland Department of Transportation;
Timothy N. Papandreou: Deputy Director, Transportation, Planning & Development, San Francisco Metropolitan Planning Agency.

6:30–7 pm; Reception
7–8:30 pm; Program

This program is free and open to the public.
Register at  

This program is cosponsored by the City of Philadelphia, the National Association of City Transportation Officials, and the Academy of Natural Sciences.