Friday, July 09, 2010

Good news on state trail funding......for now

Many thanks to the many bicyclists who rallied the week before and after the July 4th holiday weekend by contacting their representatives to ask them to push back on Governor Rendell's proposal to use state funds designated for creating trails and open space (Growing Greener and Keystone Fund) to balance the budget.  Their  action helped forestall the raid and preserved both Growing Greener and the Keystone Fund for the time being.  Our friends at Penn Future singled out Representatives Kate Harper (R-Montgomery) and Mike Gerber (D-Montgomery), and Senate Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati (R-Jefferson) for leading the effort to spare these funds from being raided and on behalf of all bicyclists who use Pennsylvania's trails, the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia thanks them for their leadership.

HOWever, Pennsylvania's budget depends upon a significant amount of federal money that is not yet in place.  We won round one for the time being, but there may be a round two.