Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Philly Bike Parking update

Remember the bike parking bill that City Council passed last summer that requires bike racks to be installed in new construction?  The Streets Department has proposed implementing regulations  that define design guidelines, set rules for racks being installed on private property, public right of way and for "art" racks. Too bad these regs weren't in effect when Temple University--Center City campus recently installed these brand new lousy school racks (see photo); the very kind of rack that will not be allowed under the new regulations.

To make installation of racks on private property easier (under the current code, you are supposed to get an individual City Council ordinance to install a rack on your own property), a bill has been introduced by City Council allowing private bike racks to be installed on the sidewalks for a $25 over the counter permit form.  The new legislation will be heard on Tuesday, June 1st in at a City Council Streets Committee hearing.


Andrew J. Besold said...


Require all parking to abide by the new updated APBP Parking Guidelines (2010 edition).

Those racks pictured are considered a total "no-no" in even the old APBP guidelines. They are also the cheapest to buy (hence their use). They use those same crappy racks way too often up here in New Brunswick too since they are so cheap.