During April and May, Sarah Clark Stuart, Campaign Director for the Bicycle Coalition, will be making three presentations about the campaign to
Complete the Schuylkill River Trail, with an update on the recent TIGER grant. If you haven't heard the presentation yet and live near these locations, here's your opportunity.
Monday, April 5, 2010
, 7 PM at the
Central Bucks Bicycle Club monthly meeting
Doylestown Free Library
150 South Pine Street, Doylestown, PA

Thursday, April 22, 2010
, 7 PM
Jenkintown Library
460 Old York Road, Jenkintown, PA
Monday, May 17, 2010
, 7 PM at the
Chester County Cycling Coalition bi-monthly meeting,
Chester County Planning Offices, Room 149
601 Westtown Rd, West Chester, PA
Download a
flyer about these 3 events.
You can also support the campaign by
sending an email letter to your Congressional Representative and Senators asking them
to support recently submitted Appropriations Requests by the Bicycle Coalition, Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Schuylkill River Development Corporation and Schuylkill River Park Alliance to build trail segments that are currently gaps in the SRT and East Coast Greenway network.
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