Day 1
- More than 700 attendees at the National Bike Summit
- Bikes Belong launches People For Bikes Campaign
- Bicycle Coalition wins advocacy organization of the year award from Alliance for Bicycling and Walking
Day 2
- Federal Highway Administrator highlights TIGER grant to Philadelphia/Camden in his remarks
- DE Governor Markell speaks at the opening plenary session
- Green Cycle Track announced for Pennsylvania Avenue (concept photo)
- Google Maps rolls out Bicycling Directions
- Google Bike Sweepstakes for Twitter users (#bikewithgoogle)
- Bicycle Coalition receives $20,000 Bicycle Friendly Communities Grant from Bikes Belong/REI
- Sarah Clark Stuart presents on panel about social marketing
- Bikes PAC fundraiser sets record
Day 3
- Breakfast with Bob Casey provides face time with the Senator
- Bicyclists who couldn't attend participate in a Virtual Advocacy Day
- Representative Sestak introduces Highway Safety funding legislation
- 35 Pennsylvania constituents from across the state jam Senate Offices
- Specter Aide says the PA delegation of bicyclists was one largest groups he has ever seen-looking forward to the new transportation bill
- Casey Aide says that our message about bikeable/walkable communities is resonating
- Quote of the Day from Rob Andrew's Legislative Aide - "My world is blowing up with this healthcare bill"
- Anti-Tax/Healthcare activist with funny hat rolls eyes at bike summit elevator speech
- Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood jumps on the table to speak to a full house at congressional reception and gets rock start treatment.
- Russell Meddin rushes the stage-hands Ray LaHood a Complete The Trail brochure
- Sarah Clark Stuart and Matt Anastasi personally thank Secretary LaHood for Philly and Camden
- Earl Blumenaur works the room and speaks to local advocates

Bike Share Philly's Russell Meddin interrupts Ray LaHood's speech at the National Bike Summit
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