1500 meters in Center City and University City will be retrofitted with circles fabricated by Creative Metalworks.
Once all the paperwork is worked out, the program should begin very shortly thereafter, at least by early January. It will finish by Spring 2010.
I do hope the PPA chooses a more robust bicycle rack attachment then the one pictured. The don't really look all that secure.
Can they just leave the meters on the posts?
Did they ask anyone who locks a bike downtown every day to weigh in on this design? Who ok'ed these??? What a colossal waste of money; the empty meter posts were just fine. I agree that these do not look secure at all.
AGREED!! These look really awful, easy to sabotage, and a complete waste of precious money that could have been used for real bike racks. They could have just left the heads on the meter posts, saved a great deal of hassle and cash. Welcome to Philly.
Agreed as well. My first thought was not safe at all. This looks very easy to unscrew from the post, toss in a van and drive somewhere else to cut off the lock. Or just slide the whole thing off the top of the pole, into the van, etc. Please tell us there's a different pole mounting method then this.
Creative Metal works has improved the design for mounting the circle to the pole. These design changes have been used in Seattle, Baltimore, Sacramento and Boulder.
- Thickening the rack and the top and bottom mounting brackets, making them more difficult to bend;
- Adding set screws, preventing the rack from rotating around the post (pre-drilling of the top and bottom brackets by the manufacturer eases thread tapping for the set screws);
- Adding a center bracket, securing the bicycle icon to the post;
- Beveling the outside edge, reducing the chance of denting/scratching a bicycle frame
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