The document is over 200 pages but if you have a few hours to skim through it you can download it here. Several options of the bridge were weighed and the report reveals the "preferred alternative". It's a behemoth of a project with 9 lanes of traffic and 4 shoulders (two 14' interior and two 12' exterior).

The "optional" pathway would be placed on the north (upstream or southbound) side of the bridge and the criteria for its inclusion is as follows:
The addition of a bicycle and pedestrian facility on the southbound side of bridge is being considered; a decision will be made during Final Design when costs are refined and cost reasonableness can be determined.
The two meetings are:
Tuesday January 19, 2009 Villa Victoria Academy, 376 Upper Ferry Road, Ewing NJ
Wednesday January 20, 2009 Sharaton Bucks County Hotel, 400 Oxford Valley Rd, Langhorne, PA
At both meetings the Open House begins at 5PM and the Public Presentation begins at 7PM.
The public is invited to submit written comments by February 4, 2010:
1 - At the Public Meetings
2 - Via email at
3 - Or via Letter:
Kevin Skeels, PE
Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission
110 Wood and Grove Streets
Morrisville, PA 19067
For questions or more information regarding the project, please call the project hotline at 800-879-0849
I like how no dimensions are given for the bike/ped path but of course are given for everything else.
VMT is stagnant or dropping but away they go building for ever expanding exponential motor vehicle growth.
Also what kind of bike/ped accommodations are they proposing for Taylorsville Rd and Rt 29?
John you've mentioned before that they haven't proven that providing a bike/ped is an excessive financial burden. If they don't include a bike/ped path in the project, is suing an option by the BCGP and/or Tri-State?
Oh wait! I must rescind some of what I just said.
upon further review, it should be noted that two of the lanes on the north bound side of the bridge and one on the south bound side are needed for acceleration / deceleration lanes. I now understand why the bridge is to have so many lanes. I think if there weren't exits directly on each side of the river, there would only be need for two extra lanes and maybe a proper shoulder.
Still no excuse not to provide bike/ped access however.
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