Some possible pedicab companies you should see around town in the near future
Chariots of Philly - http://www.chariotsofphilly.com/
Velo Park - http://velo-park.com/
Another company Boston Pedicab has expressed interest in starting a business here and is currently contemplating a Spring 2010 debut in Philadelphia.
There may be others and we welcome any other possible companies
At last!!! We look forward to serving our city! Thanks to the Bicycle Coalition and especially Rob Stuart of Evolve Strategies for making this a reality!
-Ben Dambman, Chariots of Philly
I am extremely pleased to see that this legislation has passed and look forward to the Mayor signing it into law.
Chariots of Philly has been a hugh asset to The LiveStrong Challenge over the past 2 years. They have provided their services to enable children with cancer to enjoy our event.
I know that they will be a major enhancement to the image of Philadelphia and look forward to seeing them on the streets.
Geoffrey Moulton
She ate a hearty breakfast, and watched a wee Munchkin baby,
who played with Toto and pulled his tail and crowed and laughed in
a way that greatly amused Dorothy. Toto was a fine curiosity to
all the people, for they had never seen a dog before.
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