Monday, October 26, 2009

Comment on Pennsylvania's Climate Change Action Plan

Beginning October 10, 2009, the Pennsylvania Climate Change Action Plan is available for a 30-day public comment period.

Pennsylvania is responsible for 1% of the planet’s man-made greenhouse emissions. On July 9, 2008, Governor Rendell signed the Climate Change Act (Act 70), which included a number of goals, including the preparation of an action plan detailing measures Pennsylvania could take to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Working with the Climate Change Advisory Committee, the Department has prepared this Climate Change Action Report, which identifies 52 specific actions that would result in a 95.6 Million Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (MMtCO2e) reduction of Pennsylvania’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.

Interested persons may submit written comments on Pennsylvania’s Climate Change Action Plan by November 9, 2009. The Department will accept comments submitted by mail or by e-mail. A return name and address must be included in each e-mail transmission. Email comments should be submitted to . Written comments should be submitted to Joseph Sherrick, via the U.S.P.S. to the Department of Environmental Protection, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17105. The Department will not accept comments submitted by facsimile.

Click here to access the full report or individual chapters. Chapter 6 focuses on Transportation and Land Use.

First Glance at Chapter 6

There is no mention of bicycling and walking in the plan. There is a desire but no stated goal for reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled. The plan focuses instead on keep driving actions such as proper tire inflation and "Eco Driving". Enhanced Support for Existing Land Use Policies sounds like a really weak action. Why not strengthen and enforce better Land Use Policies?. Why not have a plan to make build more sidewalks and bike lanes?

So please submit your comments.