Thursday, September 24, 2009

BCGP Wins City Paper Choice Award and Inflated Ego

And the winner is... The Bicycle Coalition for the City Paper's 2009 Choice Award for Planning and Design. I am at a loss of words. I would like to thank our Co-Stars Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di Caprio. Oh sorry, after receiving our recent award from Philadelphia Magazine you would think we would nail this acceptance speech thing down. I really should just say- Thank You City Paper.

After 37 years of working for a better city and region in relative obscurity it's nice to receive some recognition for our work. I should also mention that we are among a very impressive list of runner ups-Piazza at Schmidts Bart Blatstein, Design Philadelphia, Plan Philly and Center City District CEO Paul Levy.

As a volunteer and employee for 15 years at the BCGP, I can say that our current staff is the best team we have ever assembled, furthermore we now have a sympathetic City government that is challenging not only this city's parochialism but the region's as well. Most importantly though we have to thank our members and everyone out there bicycling- a mode of transportation that is part of the solution in a battery of current issues -climate change, congestion, fuel prices, obesity and livable communities. The stars are aligned and if we don't make progress now, when will we ever?