BCGP Super Volunteers Mike Szilagyi and Steve Scheetz brought "shovels, brooms and machetes" to clear the debris on the Schuylkill River Trail between Spring Mill and Port Royal Ave. But much to their surprise heavy equipment had already cleared 90% of the mud and stones from the path.
Although we are not sure who was the guardian angel agency that took charge of the situation (was it Montgomery County Parks, Fairmount Park or Whitemarsh Township) we are grateful of their efforts. And let's give a shout out to Steve and Mike who walked the walk and did the hard labor. Mike S. describes the late afternoon workout.
"I along with Steve spent a couple hours scraping a half inch thick mud slick off the pavement. Steve also took a machete to encroaching vegetation. 90% of the cyclists passing through our work area were very vocal in their appreciation and that meant a lot."
Of course, I believe they would have appreciated it even more if some of those cyclists stopped for a few minutes to lend a hand.

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