Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Ambassadors Deliver Bike Education Seminar in Espanol

Last Wednesday Bi-Lingual Ambassadors Chrystal Smith and Diana Owens held a bike safety class in Spanish at the Columbus Playground in South Philadelpiha. Approximately 25-30 people attended, most of Hispanic descent, several of the attendees were mothers with young children.

Diana described the audience as very interactive. The crowd asked questions about staying safe on the road. They were very intrigued and many did not know before that class that sidewalk (Bonqueta) riding was against the law in Philadelphia.

Thanks to Bridging the Gaps Consortium at the University of Pennsylvania for arranging the class. The Ambassadors have recently published safety brochures in Spanish including "A Guide to Biking In Philly" Una Guia para Manejo de Bicicletas en Filadelpfia