In essence, bicycle boulevards are low-volume and low-speed streets that have been optimized for bicycle travel through treatments such as traffic calming and traffic reduction, signage and pavement markings, and intersection crossing treatments. These treatments allow through movements for cyclists while discouraging similar through trips by nonlocal motorized traffic. Motor vehicle access to properties along the route is maintained.
Alta Planning has made available a design guide for Bicycle Boulevards available here as a 6MB pdf download, read all about it and send it to your favorite elected official, traffic engineer and planner.

Haven Avenue in Ocean City, NJ - The regions first bicycle boulevard.
Recently, water main break and subsequest giant sinkhole closed Pine St btwn 42nd and 43rd. The only people able to get through were bikes and peds. Before when the street was open cars usde to scream down the hill and hit that section at full speed, endangering cyclists.
I've always felt that Pine, given how it intersects w/ Penn's campus would be an excellent candidate for a bike blvd. They work great and generally cheap to implement. It's all about safety folks!!
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