Join the Bicycle Ambassadors this week as we educate motorists about the need to slow down and yield to pedestrians at the crosswalk. Come and hold a sign:
Tomorrow (Wed.) and Friday from 4:00 to 6:00 pm Thursday from 7:30 to 9:30 am.
This morning's event also resulted in several news stories:
Bicycle Coalition calls for action on MLK following last week's crash - Philadelphia Citypaper
Bike Group Pushes Safety-Fox News

The Bicycle Coalition's proposal to reduce the travel lanes on MLK Drive, BCGP found that the average speed along this stretch of road upstream from the Fish Ladder to be 50mph; 15 mph over the speed limit.
If you haven't already please send an email correspondence to Mayor Nutter to make MLK Drive safer for all users. More than 200 concerned citizens have done so already, but we need many more to make a serious impact.
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