Monday, March 02, 2009

Join us to lobby Congress on March 12 for better bicycling policies!

The 2009 National Bicycle Summit is happening next week. We will be storming Capitol Hill with other bicycle advocates to lobby for progressive bicycle/pedestrian policies, a green transportation bill, and for funding to bicycle facilities such as new trail segments to Complete the Schuylkill River Trail in the Philadelphia region.

Can you take a day off and come down to Washington DC to lobby with us? It’s a lot of fun and an eye opening experience. Comfortable shoes required. We’re setting up meetings with the offices of our Senator Casey, Specter and Menendez and Congressmen Fattah, Brady, Gerlach, Sestak, Schwartz, Murphy, LoBiando, Adler and Andrews. We usually meet with staff, although sometimes we catch a break and see the member him/herself.

Send John Boyle an email if you would like to join us on Thursday, March 12th. We need to hear from you if you plan to come and to help you find a car pool!