We have an opportunity in this legislative session to pass a bill that will improve bicycling safety in Pennsylvania. HB2689 from last session was initiated by the Bicycle Access Council and included a provision that would require motorists to allow at least 4 feet when passing a bicyclist.
The prime sponsor, Rep. Ron Miller, is reintroducing this bill very soon. It is important to have a bill co -sponsored by many of the 203 House members. As of February 6th, there were only 6 co - sponsors.
Please contact your state representative. A sample letter follows but if you have had a personal experience with a vehicle being driven too close to you or a “right hook”, consider sharing that with your legislator as well.
HB2689 can be viewed at http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/session.cfm
Go to bill information and select 2007-2008 session and enter HB2689.
Contact your House member here
Dear Rep. _ _ _ _ _ _
I support legislation that is being introduced by Rep. Ron Miller that will require motorists, when changing lanes is not possible, to give at least four feet of clearance when passing a bicyclist. It also requires a motorist who is making a right turn not to interfere with a bicyclist who is traveling straight. This is the same legislation as HB2689 from last session.
Your co-sponsorship of Rep. Miller’s legislation will be greatly appreciated.
To find your State House Representative:
- Click on the map
- Zoom in to your local area
- Select State Assembly/Lower Legislature Districts.
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