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From the Courier Post - Sheila Stevenson was arrested on Feb. 3, 2008, on the 500 block of North 2nd Street in Millville, NJ for riding on the sidewalk. Stevenson's arrest, captured on dashcam footage from the officers Police car, is at the heart of a lawsuit filed by the woman against Millville Police officers.
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The officer made a statement at the end of the story that included this line: "She was charged with a city ordinance violation for riding a bicycle on a sidewalk in the arts district, a traffic summons for failure to keep right on a bicycle..."
It took three male police officers to subdue her? I wish them luck when they confront a real violent criminal. Would it not have been better to just ask her to not ride on the sidewalk?
Is there any information on why Drogo didn't issue Stevenson a citation for riding on the sidewalk? Presumably he would have been justified in citing her?
it was 6 am right, when the officers told the woman to get off the sidewalk, I did notice that there were no bike lanes on the road, at that time of day, would not the sidewalk be a safer place for the cyclist?? No, lets stick her on the road and hope she does not get hit by a car.
Ah, I'm for the cops. Greenday is a great group and any fan of theirs is a good person! I guess that'll teach her not to ride on the sidewalk!
It's obvious in the video that the cop is punching her in the face. She should sue them and those cops need to stop acting like criminals by assaulting people. I'm sure there are a lot of people who don't like the way their customers act, but they don't punch them in the face, because they don't want to go to jail. I think they should start charging these officers with crimes caught on tape.
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