Expect more jabs from Councilman Green who will probably be running the circuit at other library closing hearings. It is a clear attempt to start a populist drumbeat to pressure the administration to cut these positions.

In the meantime you can communicate with Councilman Green via Hallwatch.org that:
- Scrapping the Pedestrian and Bicycle Coordinator and the Office of Sustainability will not reopen libraries or fire stations.
- 37 Pedestrians and bicyclists died in Philadelphia 2007 and thousands were injured in vehicular crashes and there is no plan in place to reduce that number.
- Both positions offer the opportunity go after federal and state dollars that bring construction jobs into the city.
- Trails, green streets and an attitude towards a more sustainable future are important amenities to attract residents and "green collar" jobs in a globally competitive market.
I guess it's okay to Councilman
Green that kids get hit by cars while their walking and biking to the libraries that are about to close.
Does PA allow "Special Use Districts"? If so, then maybe the city should make a library district to fund the libraries and take them out of this kind of fight. If we wanted to go the extreme we could make fire districts, and police districts, etc. Then every tax payer would know how much of their money is going to each and district's funding would be protected from budget fights.
I'd be for creating a bag tax to support sustainability efforts.
But then again everyone here wants everything given to them at no cost to them, so it would never pass.
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