Sunday, November 23, 2008

Chicagoland Bicycle Federation Changes its Mission and Name

Our good friends at the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation (CBF) announced last week that they are now known as the Active Transportation Alliance (ATA) and have expanded their mission to include pedestrian and transit advocacy, much in line with Transportation Alternatives in New York.

The ATA has over 40 employees and an annual budget in the 7 figure range. Many of our programs and our approach of effective advocacy are modeled after their successes. Newer and growing organizations are adopting a multi-modal approach to broaden their base which in turn works to affect change. Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit issues however each has it's own set of challenges and may require different "departments" within an established group.

There are several organizations that fill some of the voids in pedestrian and transit advocacy in PA in NJ.

The Delaware Valley Association of Rail Passengers
NJ Association of Rail Passengers

What are your thoughts on a multimodal bicycle-pedestrian-transit organization for the region?