Thursday, October 30, 2008

Envision the Bike Ride by Walking the Cynwyd Trail

This Saturday, November 1, Lower Merion Township and The Friends of the Cynwyd Trail are sponsoring a clean up of the Cynwyd Trail from 9 am until 1 pm. They are meeting at the former Barmouth Station, which is located where Levering Mill Road intersects with the trail. Levering Mill Road is off Belmont Avenue in Lower Merion.

As a bonus, from 1 until 3 the Lower Merion Historical Society and West Laurel Hill Cemetery will present a slide show lecture on the fascinating history of the corridor and the plans for the trail. For more information about the clean up and lecture, contact Chris Leswing (610) 645-6116 or

Afterwards, Chris has offered to lead a walk of the trail from Barmouth Station at 3pm over the stone arched bridge to Manayunk and back. If built, this trail would be a multi-use path and serve as a great bicycle connection between Lower Merion and the Schuylkill River Trail.
If you are interested in joining the afternoon walk, please send an email to