The improvements are simple, speed limit reduced to 15mph, some cross streets now prevent cut through traffic and of course shared lane markings and route signage.

Shared Lane Marking or sharrows on Haven Avenue, also a New Jersey first. Note the young cyclist on the right who still chooses the sidewalk

Bike Route OC1

Bicycle Ambassador Director Breen Goodwin poses in front of the new sculpture at the Ocean City Transportation Center that marks the gateway to the Haven Avenue Bike Route. Kokopelli on a bike?
That's great. Biking is such a fun activity at the beach and it is great that they are taking more steps to help keep it safe!
This is really fabulous. We need bike boulevards in all of our cities and towns!
Such a simple idea, yet it gets overlooked in favor of widening roads and building new interstate highways, even though the amount of driving declines every year due to high gas prices.
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