The Ben Franklin Bridge will be arrayed in Green Decorative Lighting on Tuesday, April 22, to mark the significance of Earth Day.
The Delaware River Port Authority is joining WOGL Radio in efforts to promote the importance of "going green" by urging everyone to use recycled materials and cutting down on car emissions by using mass transit, such as PATCO, to get to work, go shopping, or attend recreational events.
DRPA CEO, John J. Matheussen, says "we are pleased to join with WOGL Radio to bring to the public's attention the importance of "going green." Matheussen points out the DRPA is currently working with the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority and the South Jersey Port Corporation to launch a Green Ports Initiative. In addition, Matheussen says an environmental review will be conducted Authority-wide to ensure DRPA and PATCO operations are as environmentally friendly as possible.
The Delaware River Port Authority is a regional transportation and development agency. DRPA owns and operates the Benjamin Franklin, Walt Whitman, Commodore Barry and Betsy Ross bridges, PATCO, the Philadelphia Cruise Terminal and the RiverLink Ferry.
As "environmentally friendly as possible" is a bold statement. Will this mean that the proposed bridge walkway ramps on the Camden side will finally be prioritized in the Capital Program? And what about the other bridges? Would DRPA ever consider a study to look at pedestrian, bicycle and transit access to the Commodore Barry, Walt Whitman and Betsy Ross Bridges?
Or, are those actions impossible.
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