The committee set several goals, including offering a list of recommendations to the Lower Merion Township Commissioners upon completion of its work. To that end, the members have arranged an exploratory bike ride in the township Sunday, November 4, 10:00 AM,
meeting at the Township Building parking lot, 75 East Lancaster Avenue. The public is invited.
In addition, committee members will study the Township's completed Bike/Pedestrian plan, participate in the November 13 public presentation at the Township Building on the
possible Schulykill River West Trail, which is currently being studied, and also organize a book club, with James Howard Kunstler's The Geography of Nowhere the first book on the committee's reading list.
Future meeting are set for Thursdays, Novemer 15 and December 6, 7:00
The committee will be in contact with the township Police Department
and Lower Merion School District, in an effort to promote and increase bicycle safety programs for youths. Public awareness of state-mandated helmet laws and other bicycle safety measures will be emphasized.
Finally, committee members will be in contact with Neighborhood Bike Works, a Philadelphia organization that offers free bike repair classes to inner-city youngsters, and upon completion of courses, a good-condition used bicycle to each student. Committee members will consider a program to collect used bikes in the township for re-cycling to Philadelphia children.
For information on Lower Merion Bike Committee activities, contact
David Broida at 610-864-4303 or New members are

(Photo - from left, George Westby, Paul McNabb, Ruth Strickland, Todd
Hart, David Broida, Charlie Lee, Jake Hart, Carol Hart, Joe Lubeck,
Rich Stein, Kate Galer, Bridget Chadwick and Margaret Bowerman)
Hart, David Broida, Charlie Lee, Jake Hart, Carol Hart, Joe Lubeck,
Rich Stein, Kate Galer, Bridget Chadwick and Margaret Bowerman)
David Broida
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