Saturday, March 24, 2007

NIMBY's Kill Yardley Sidepath

According to the Bucks County Courier Times, the Yardley Borough Council scrapped plans for a pedestrian walkway/bicycle path on South Delaware Avenue at Tuesday night's meeting. The proposal for a 6 ft facility met stiff resistance at a March 7 meeting.

One highlight of the story "Officials said residents were concerned that the path would endanger pedestrians and bikers in case of high waters."

So apparently walking in the road every day poses less of a threat to pedestrians than a once a year flood. And what is the relevance between an asphalt path and waist deep water????

One thing that the NIMBY's forgot to cover, a 6 foot wide pathway is a substandard width for a multi-use path, which should be no less than 8 feet and preferably 12 feet wide. It's a poor facility choice for bikes, but a lost opportunity to make Yardley more walkable.