Public Open House
Tuesday, November 9, 2004
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The purpose of this Public Open House is to discuss converting Route 29 into an Urban Boulevard from Warren Street to Sullivan Way. The Open House will be held at the West State Street Campus of the Trenton High School (Formerly Arthur Holland Middle School), 1001 West State Street on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Route 29 Waterfront Boulevard Study
The Department of Transportation is conducting the Route 29 Waterfront Boulevard Study to evaluate the feasibility of converting the Route 29 Freeway into an urban style Boulevard to:
• Improve access to the Delaware River Waterfront and provide open space along the Delaware River
• Improve safety by introducing traffic calming features in the corridor.
• Promote economic development and downtown revitalization
Representatives from New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and the project team are seeking input from members of the community. The information provided will help define the long-term goals and objectives of the project and assist in developing a project that is sensitive to the needs of the community.
Project Background
The City of Trenton is currently preparing a Master Plan for the Downtown Capital District to promote economic development and improving access to the Delaware River.
In addition, Route 29 has experienced numerous accidents involving both vehicles and pedestrians. The NJDOT is currently implementing a separate safety project to address these immediate needs.
Project Status
The Route 29 Waterfront Boulevard Study was initiated in July 2004 and is presently in the data collection and project definition Phase. This phase of the project will conclude in early 2005.
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